Attorneys for teen Javier Payne, hurt during arrest, file order for NYPD video recordings

Attorneys for the family of a Bronx teen injured during an arrest have filed an order to force the NYPD to turn over video recordings.  Javier Payne was hospitalized and received 50 stitches after

News 12 Staff

May 28, 2014, 5:43 PM

Updated 3,755 days ago


Attorneys for the family of a Bronx teen injured during an arrest have filed an order to force the NYPD to turn over video recordings. 
Javier Payne was hospitalized and received 50 stitches after going through a plate glass window on May 17. 
News 12 attended a press conference Saturday where Rev. Al Sharpton joined the 14-year-old and his family to denounce what they call an attack by police. 
The Payne family maintains that the boy was thrown through the window, but officers say he pulled away from them and accidentally fell.