Cops search for man who sexually assaulted, robbed Bronx teen

A special victims unit in the Bronx is searching for a man it says sexually assaulted a teen and robbed her family. Police believe the girl?s attacker followed her after school Wednesday to her Bedford

News 12 Staff

Mar 10, 2006, 12:03 AM

Updated 6,797 days ago


A special victims unit in the Bronx is searching for a man it says sexually assaulted a teen and robbed her family.
Police believe the girl?s attacker followed her after school Wednesday to her Bedford Park home on Decatur Avenue. They say the man forced his way inside the home and stole $2,000 cash from the victim?s grandparents. According to police, the attacker then locked the girl?s grandparents and sister in another room and assaulted the teen before fleeing.
The victim was hospitalized after the incident and is in stable condition. Her grandparents and sister were not seriously injured. Police are trying to figure out if the sex attack and robbery is related to recent similar incidents.