Irvington girls basketball coach wins historic 800th game

Irvington girls varsity basketball coach Gina Maher has accomplished it all. She has led her squads to six state titles, five federation championships and holds a spot in the New York State Basketball Hall of Fame since she first took over the program in 1975.

Jonathan Gordon

Feb 2, 2024, 12:24 AM

Updated 259 days ago


Irvington girls varsity basketball coach Gina Maher has practically accomplished it all. She has led her squads to six state titles, five Federation championships, and holds a spot in the New York State Basketball Hall of Fame. All since taking over the program in 1975.
A Thursday night, 48-27 win over Eastchester, brought her to another place no high school basketball coach has been before. 800 career wins.
Her secret?
"It's about building family, being together, and working really hard," she said.
The Irvington High School gymnasium was standing room only with decades of former players, coaches, family, and friends on hand to see the historic moment.
"Everybody loves the lady because she is special. She's so special," former Irvington schools Athletic Director Phil DiRucco said.
Maher's ongoing legacy stretches far beyond just numbers in the win column.
Her impact on hundreds of girls during her storied career is immeasurable. She's been a fierce advocate for the game including getting Section 1 to move the girls' championship games to the Westchester County Center where the boys' games were held.
She gave all the credit to the team tonight and the ones before it.
"It's not really about me. It's about them, the program and I'm so lucky. I am so lucky to be in Irvington, to be with these people," Maher said.
When asked what's next for the coach who's done it all, Maher answered as only she could "We have a game Saturday against Ossining we have to prepare for. They're pretty good."