Otisville couple accuses neighbor of harassment over race, sexual orientation

Michele and Vilma Rosario say their neighbor in Otisville has made derogatory remarks about Vilma Rosario's race and the couple's sexual orientation. They allege it has been ongoing for years.

News 12 Staff

Jun 25, 2021, 10:10 PM

Updated 1,210 days ago


An Orange County couple says their neighbor has been harassing them because of their sexual orientation.
Michele and Vilma Rosario say their neighbor in Otisville has made derogatory remarks about Vilma Rosario's race and the couple's sexual orientation. They allege it has been ongoing for years.
They say they've had their tires deflated, surveillance cameras damaged, and that he built a towering tarp structure to antagonize them.
"Bigotry and racism. This is what I dealt with growing up. I never imagined when I moved here this is what we would be dealing with," Michele Rosario said.
The neighbor is also accused of holding a chainsaw in one hand and a rifle in the other hand, and "would walk up and down, stare at the kids."
Mount Hope police say the couple's neighbor hasn't done anything illegal, and that their complaints are a civil matter – not criminal.
No one answered the neighbor's door when News 12 went Friday.
In the meantime, the Rosarios say they're frustrated, hurt and feeling unwanted in a community they wanted to call home.