Police: Newburgh man gunned down by teen

A 21-year-old man was killed on a street in Newburgh Wednesday night. Police say Brian Triminio was gunned down on Overlook Place following what they believe was a confrontation between him and his alleged

News 12 Staff

May 28, 2014, 6:58 PM

Updated 3,755 days ago


A 21-year-old man was killed on a street in Newburgh Wednesday night.
Police say Brian Triminio was gunned down on Overlook Place following what they believe was a confrontation between him and his alleged killer, 19-year-old Abner Alvarez, Jr.
Police officers arrived on the scene just before 9 p.m. in time to catch friends driving Triminio to a nearby hospital. He died at the hospital hours later, officials say.
Police say that Triminio and Alvarez knew each other and they suspect that the killing may have stemmed from drug-related activities.
Triminio?s friend, Sergio Valentin, doesn?t buy that allegation.
?Brian wasn't that type of guy,? said Valentin. ?Like I said, wrong place, wrong time. That's usually how it happens around here."
Alvarez was charged with second-degree murder and is being held at the Orange County Jail without bail. He is due back in court on Monday.