Remembering Casey: Soccer tournament in Chappaqua honors teen who died from brain cancer

Players and coaches gathered at Horace Greely High School Tuesday for a soccer tournament that honored a Chappaqua teen who died from brain cancer.

News 12 Staff

Aug 31, 2022, 12:21 AM

Updated 739 days ago


Players and coaches gathered at Horace Greely High School Tuesday for a soccer tournament that honored a Chappaqua teen who died from brain cancer.
Casey Taub was 16 when he died. His father, Jonathan remembered him as a personable kid and friends with everyone – no matter what age.
Jonathan Taub has been raising money in Casey's name for the Matthew Larson Foundation for Pediatric Brain Tumors. The foundation raises awareness and funds to help children and families affected by brain tumors.
He says the tournament helps keep Casey’s memory alive.
"This is more about money for us. This is about Casey's spirit, his love of soccer,” he said.
Casey wore No. 22 when he played as a midfielder.