Report: Principal ousted because of nude pictures

also reached out to the Archdiocese of New York, but has received no comment. According to Keogan's attorney, Colleen Meenan, the Archdiocese says the former principal violated school policy - a policy

News 12 Staff

Feb 29, 2008, 4:45 PM

Updated 6,075 days ago


also reached out to the Archdiocese of New York, but has received no comment.
According to Keogan's attorney, Colleen Meenan, the Archdiocese says the former principal violated school policy - a policy Meenan says she's still waiting to see in writing.
Meenan says she's also asked to see the supposed inappropriate pictures, but her calls to the Archdiocese's attorney have not been returned.
News 12 The Bronx obtained a document Thursday with at least eight more accusations against Keogan and others at Hayes dealing with sexual abuse, theft and fraud. That document was sent to the Archdiocese and the Bronx District Attorney.
Meenan says that she and her client are exploring all options in an effort to save Keogan's reputation.