Rockland DA: Clarkstown eye doctor subjected girl, 12, to sexual contact

The announcement from the Rockland County District Attorney says 54-year-old Hiten Lakhani, of New City, faces a maximum of seven years in state prison if found guilty.

News 12 Staff

Nov 4, 2022, 2:16 AM

Updated 714 days ago


A Clarkstown eye doctor has been indicted of subjecting a 12-year-old girl to sexual conduct.
The announcement from the Rockland County District Attorney says 54-year-old Hiten Lakhani, of New City, faces a maximum of seven years in state prison if found guilty.
He's an ophthalmologist in Rockland.
A judge ordered Lakhani to surrender his passport.
He's scheduled to be back in court later this month.