Two Middletown men face second degree murder charges in the case of the Yonkers man found beaten and stuffed in the trunk of his car last week in Newburgh.
Police say on September 15th, 46-year-old Franklin Fitts was murdered by 29-year-old James Blagmon and 28-year-old James Harris. The investigation led detectives to Middletown, where they now believe the killing took place at one of the suspect?s home on Prince Street. Police say all three men were selling drugs out of the apartment. Police say Fitts owed Blagmon money and they believe that to be a motive for the murder.
Police say Fitts was taped around the head and mouth, bound at the wrists and the ankles and struck in the head with a blunt object. Two days after the killing, the victim's decomposing body was discovered in the trunk of his Ford Taurus in the city of Newburgh. Blagmon and Harris are being held without bail at Orange County Jail.
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