Light to moderate snow on the way this weekend for Westchester and the Hudson Valley


News 12 is the exclusive 24-hour local news service dedicated to bringing you the best local news and information about your neighborhoods. Available to subscribers of Optimum, Xfinity, Spectrum, Service Electric and Fios, News 12 provides 24-hour access to local breaking news, traffic, weather, sports, and more.
Since the first year of programming in 1998, News 12 has had the honor of receiving numerous industry and community awards including a prestigious New York Emmy Award, a New York Associated Press Award, and a National Headliner award among others. News 12 is part of News 12 Networks, the country’s first, largest, and most watched regional news network.
Today, the News 12 Network includes: seven local news channels in the New York tri-state area; five traffic and weather channels, providing constantly updated information in those two key subject areas; the award-winning, the premiere destination for local news on the web; News 12 Interactive, channel 612 on Optimum TV, providing local news on-demand; and News 12 to Go, local news on mobile devices. News 12 Networks is owned and operated by Altice USA.