Friends, family remember murdered North Salem teen

Friends and family gathered at the Croton Falls Train Station to remember a slain North Salem teen. One year ago Monday, 17-year-old Elizabeth Butler was found murdered in the back of her parents' SUV

News 12 Staff

May 29, 2014, 7:02 PM

Updated 3,802 days ago


Friends and family gathered at the Croton Falls Train Station to remember a slain North Salem teen. One year ago Monday, 17-year-old Elizabeth Butler was found murdered in the back of her parents' SUV that was parked at the train station. Last week, Butler's former boyfriend, 28-year-old Ariel Menendez was found guilty of raping and murdering her. Family members decorated a nearby park bench with items they remember Butler by. Her mother, Patricia, says the memorial is designed to send a message to the daughter she lost. Menendez will face the maximum sentence of life in prison without parole when he is sentenced next month. Related Information