Meet the Met: Steve Teeling

Get to know News 12 Meteorologist Steve Teeling! Our Geoff Bansen sat down to chat with him about getting his start in weather and more.

News 12 Staff

Jan 16, 2020, 5:27 PM

Updated 1,741 days ago


Meet the Met: Steve Teeling
Meteorologist Steve Teeling knows a thing or two about weather in the Northeast. He's been forecasting here for the majority of his life. Our Geoff Bansen sat down with him to talk about 
Geoff Bansen: Steve, thanks for sitting down with me for a bit today. Let's start with your upbringing. Where did you first call home?
Steve Teeling: I was born in Paterson, New Jersey. Moved when I was 5 years old to Stratford, Connecticut. 
G: So safe to say most of your childhood, at least what you remember, was in Connecticut.
S: I consider Stratford my hometown.
G:  And now you currently call Connecticut home, right?
S: Yup in Madison Connecticut, after moving around quite a bit. 
G: What was it like growing up there?
S: What I remember most is there were at least 15 of us that grew up from the beginning. We called ourselves "The Gang"  - not a gang! A lot of sports, wonderful memories, and the best part is that we are all close friends to this very day.
G: Like most of us, I assume you developed an affinity for the weather at a young age. Would I be correct in doing so?
S: As far back as I can remember! Even still in New Jersey, I remember asking my dad about the clouds. I still remember that they were cirrus clouds, the thin wispy ones. 
G: Tell us about your education.
S: I graduated Southern Conn. State University. Unfortunately, they did not offer a meteorology degree, so I took weather classes at the nearest school which was West. Conn. S.U. Still a far travel, which is why I didn't just go there. 
G: Where did you get your start in weather?
S: Out of college, I was actually a truck driver for a few months.  A frozen food truck! I stuffed peoples' freezers. Then I finally got a start in radio. I did weather reports from Canada to the Virgin Islands.  
G: What about TV?

I think I did radio for two years before I branched out in TV. My first station was doing weekend weather at WMUR in Manchester NH for $25 a show! I then proceeded to travel to several stations.
G: What was the farthest station from home ?
S: Phoenix, Arizona! 
G: You've been handling prime-time weather duties for News 12 for a while now. What year did you begin here?
S: 2015. 
G: What's your favorite part of the job, and what is most rewarding about it?
S: It may sound cliche, but getting to do what I love everyday! The weather is always changing, and hence what I have to do, it keeps me on my toes. Even after 33 years I still love it.
G: Alright, it’s time for the lightning round! What's Steve Teeling's perfect hyperlocal forecast?

S: Sunny and 70s.

G: Favorite season?
S: Fall.

G: Most memorable weather event you’ve covered?
S: I would have to say the original storm of the century in 1993 - the same one the movie "The Perfect Storm" was made after.
G: Most fascinating weather phenomenon?
S: Blizzards. I also love sunsets!
G: Chocolate or Vanilla?
S: Vanilla
G: Favorite holiday?

S: Christmas.
G: Coffee or tea?
S: Coffee!!! In this business you need it!
G: If you could be anything or anyone else for a day, what/who would it be?
S: I had 3 dreams growing up other than a meteorologist. A punter in the NFL, a drummer in a rock and roll band, and a famous actor. I I had to pick one of those, I would pick the punter.
G: Favorite NFL team?
S: NY Jets since the beginning!
G: You and Dave Curren can have your own support group!
G: Okay, well done! Let's move on. What do you like to do for fun?
S: Spending time with family is at the top of my list, but also hiking, golfing, walking on the beach and trying to relax! There is so little time for that last one. Slowing down and smelling the roses is nice.
G: I recently found out that you and I have something in common - our love for fantasy football! How did you do this year?
S: I made it to playoffs, and broke into the "money" round, but was defeated by none other than my oldest son. He won the whole thing so I didn't feel as bad!
G: What do you love most about our area?
S: There is just so much to do. We are close to NYC, we are close to New England. But I also love the weather! I ultimately left Phoenix because my family and I missed the ever-changing weather in the northeast and having four seasons. There's nothing like that. As I mentioned, I love fall and the foliage that comes with it. It is nice to have the change. 
G: What do you dislike most?
S: The traffic is brutal. The congestion is a lot. Also, sometimes winter is a bit to long for my liking, but it makes me appreciate and enjoy the others seasons more.
G: What would you like to tell anyone who has watched you consistently over your career?
S: First, a very big thank you. I feel very blessed and honored to have been on TV for as long as I have, so I must be doing something right. Without all of you people, I wouldn't have had a job, so thanks!