Middletown High School suspends art teacher over nude art

A Middletown High School art teacher has been suspended over controversy surrounding nude art. Peter Panse apparently suggested to his students that they take his nude-figure drawing course offered outside

News 12 Staff

May 29, 2014, 7:02 PM

Updated 3,800 days ago


A Middletown High School art teacher has been suspended over controversy surrounding nude art.
Peter Panse apparently suggested to his students that they take his nude-figure drawing course offered outside of school if they plan on applying to art college. School officials say it was an inappropriate subject for the classroom. And they considered it soliciting business on school property. However, many students disagree with the school?s decision. One student says she feels seniors are mature enough to handle nude sketches.
Panse has been suspended with pay and is now facing a disciplinary hearing.