Movie actor works to shut down Nyack porn shop

Hollywood movie actor Stephen Baldwin is doing all he can to shut down a proposed porn shop under construction on Route 59 in Nyack. Baldwin, who lives in Upper Grandview, and other residents are upset

News 12 Staff

May 29, 2014, 7:03 PM

Updated 3,799 days ago


Hollywood movie actor Stephen Baldwin is doing all he can to shut down a proposed porn shop under construction on Route 59 in Nyack.
Baldwin, who lives in Upper Grandview, and other residents are upset that village zoning laws have allowed for that type of business in their community. There is also a possibility that the store may be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Baldwin says there will also be peek booths, which he believes will bring sexual perverts to the neighborhood.
Baldwin says if the store opens, he plans to photograph customers and publish the pictures in the newspaper. So far, no decision has been made to whether the shop will be open 24 hours a day.