Entergy brought in its big guns Wednesday to announce it is seeking the renewal of federal licenses for Indian Point 2 and 3 nuclear power plants.
Joining Entergy President Michael Kansler were former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, now a security consultant for Indian Point, and Doctor Patrick Moore, a founder of the environmental group Greenpeace and a former opponent of nuclear power. Moore contends nuclear power is now the only viable way to generate electricity without making global warming worse. Kansler said in a news conference that the company is mindful of the concerns many in the area have about safety and security. Guiliani says the plants are among the safest, if not the safest, industrial facilities in the nation.However, while Entergy is taking the lead in defending the renewal application, the opposition is ready to fight it all the way. The Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition is concerned about recent radioactive leaks. Also, the county has asked the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to consider if it would allow a nuclear plant in Buchanan if one were to be built today. The plants? licenses are set to expire in about eight years. However, it takes about two years for the NRC to make a decision on the renewal. If approved, the plants would be allowed to operate for an additional 20 years.