Taxpayers in Highland Falls followed the lead of voters across the Hudson Valley, passing their $24 million school budget Tuesday.
"I want my little one to have the best education, so I wouldn't mind paying more," says Natasha McMillan, of Highland Falls.
Although the budget proposal comes with a 16.5 percent tax increase, School Board Vice President Roxanne Donnery says turnout was low.
"In any other school district in the world that was facing a 16.5 percent increase in their tax, I think you would've had huge numbers," she says.
Highland Falls residents are certain that the actual tax increases will be less steep because the federal government is expected to provide financial aid. The amount of the aid, however, is yet to be determined.
"I have tremendous confidence that Sen. Schumer and Congressman Hall and Sen. Gillibrand can do this for us," Donnery says.