The consequence for letting children go without masks is more than
just a slap on the wrist for schools and childcare programs in Rockland County.
Schools, childcare
programs, and transportation companies could be fined $2,000 if they're not
making sure all the kids are wearing face masks.
Rockland County Executive Ed
Day says that fine will be issued for every violation, every single day.
This order applies to every
child over the age of 2. It still allows for scheduled mask breaks, when
students can take off their face coverings while safely distant from each
The Rockland County Health
commissioner's order also states that if faculty, staff or visitors are not
wearing a face covering, fines will be issued for that as well.
"The primary focus of
this is going to be on the bus transportation, which frankly we have gotten a
lot of calls," Day says. "I cannot begin to tell you how many people
have called and shown and give us videos and pictures of children on buses
without masks and that is a problem."
Day's office says that if, for
example a school bus is dropping off kids without masks every day at 8:30 a.m.,
inspectors will go to that location to observe any possible violations.
The county asks that people
report violations over the phone or via email.