A young Greenburgh student and her family are getting much-needed help at their shelter - from their own school.
After missing classes for a few days, faculty and staff at Highview Elementary School found out one of their second graders and her family were displaced.
That's when staff stepped in, offering not only rides to school but donations that added up to thousands of dollars.
From the school's secretary reaching out to nonprofits for help to the social worker and psychologist bringing in the majority of clothing donations.
They hope to spread kindness and generosity when it's needed most.
"If you're able to give, then give, if you're able to do something, then do it... it only takes one act of kindness -- holding a door open for someone, just saying 'thank you' and just paying a compliment and paying things forward, it's just the best way to go and puts a smile on somebody's face," says Highview Elementary School Principal Gary Mastrangelo.
The school security guard suggested to keep on giving.
In February, the school will work on more donations for other displaced families.