A grand jury handed up an indictment Friday charging a Spring Valley teen as an adult in the brutal rape and attempted murder of a woman. Jarad Webb, 15, is facing robbery, assault, rape and attempted murder charges. Spring Valley police say on Monday night Webb attacked a woman on the Spring Valley High School football field.
?When she resisted his attempt to rape her, he attempted to murder the victim by slashing her severely across the throat,? says Rockland District Attorney Tom Zugibe. ?He advised her prior to slashing her that he intended on murdering her. And after she was severely slashed, he continued to taunt her that she was about to die.?
The victim did live and managed to contact the police, who were able to find Webb within hours. They say he had the woman?s stolen items with him. Webb is also accused of another attack in Spring Valley on Dec. 20. Police say in that case, a 32-year-old woman was taking a short cut when she says was attacked, robbed and raped.
Due to the seriousness of the felonies, the district attorney?s office is able to release the suspect?s identity. Webb remains at a youth detention center.