The Town of Yorktown recently enacted a Tobacco Control Law that restricts tobacco and tobacco-related products from being sold within 1,500 feet of schools, places of worship and "any places where children gather," according to officials.
Tobacco businesses that are already in place and are within 1,500 feet of schools, places of worship and places where children gather, will need to change their advertising methods.
For example, businesses within the proximity will no longer be permitted to advertise tobacco products in their store-front windows.
Town Supervisor Ed Lachterman says he hopes to protect children in the community with the new law's passing.
"My hopes and goals are that we keep up on a very strong educational block on this. That we teach our kids the stimulation that comes from these extracurriculars are not really what you need in life," he said.
The law will include tobacco vapor products and electronic cigarettes as well, which are age restricted for anyone under 21.