Hudson Valley residents, beware: There are more bears in the 'burbs this week, according to environmental officials. Fresh off the heels of a weeklong bear search that ended in capture and relocation, more sightings have been reported in Pomona. Several News 12 viewers sent in snapshots with notes saying they saw as many as five bears in Pomona over the past two days. Officials say they've received reports of a mother and four cubs wandering around the area. Wildlife experts from the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) will be in the area to search for the furry family and to inspect local Dumpsters for proper maintenance.
Authorities warn that it's illegal to feed bears. They say residents and business owners who do not properly store garbage could be fined $250 for "incidental feeding."Family of bears cornered in NanuetClarkstown police set traps for family of bearsFamily of bears highly recommends Pomona diner