Tribe wants answers in shooting that critically injured Monroe man

Members of the Ramapo Lenape Indian Tribe are looking for answers Monday following the shooting of one of its members over the weekend. Emil Mann, 43, of Monroe, was shot by a park ranger at Ringwood

News 12 Staff

May 29, 2014, 7:03 PM

Updated 3,800 days ago


Members of the Ramapo Lenape Indian Tribe are looking for answers Monday following the shooting of one of its members over the weekend.
Emil Mann, 43, of Monroe, was shot by a park ranger at Ringwood State Park in New Jersey. Members of the tribe admit they were riding All Terrain Vehicles (ATV), which is illegal at the park, but they don't understand how that act led to the violence that ensued. According to Emil's nephew, Morris Mann, his cousin Otis' daughter tried to help her dad and struck a park ranger. He says the ranger then assaulted the teen, and that's when Emil stepped in. At that point, Morris says the ranger shot his uncle.
In a release from the Bergen County District Attorney's office, officials portray a different picture. They say Otis was arrested after he took a baton from a park ranger and struck him. However, prosecutors say the investigation into the shooting is ongoing since they are trying to get cooperation from eyewitnesses.
Emil Mann remains in critical condition at Hackensack University Medical Center.
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