Tuxedo school superintendent resigns due to pornography scandal

The Tuxedo Union Free School District Board of Education says it has “finalized a separation agreement with, and accepted the resignation of, Timothy Bohlke.”

News 12 Staff

Jan 8, 2021, 2:13 PM

Updated 1,385 days ago


The Orange County school superintendent at the center of a pornography scandal has resigned.
In a statement, the Tuxedo Union Free School District Board of Education says it has “finalized a separation agreement with, and accepted the resignation of, Timothy Bohlke.”
Bohlke is accused of looking at and commenting on a pornographic video from his work Twitter account last month, after his district handle and profile photo were seen with a remark under the comments.
Officials say the resignation is effective immediately, and Nicole Scariano has been named interim superintendent of schools and high school principal.
The board says it will soon be launching a search for a new superintendent of schools.
News 12 reached out to Bohlke multiple times for comment, but he has not returned calls.