Bronx church gives gays, lesbians place to worship

A church in the Hub is giving the faithful a chance at fellowship, regardless of sexual orientation. The south Bronx?s In the Life Ministries Church welcomes gay, lesbian and heterosexual parishioners.

News 12 Staff

Jul 9, 2006, 10:50 PM

Updated 6,683 days ago


A church in the Hub is giving the faithful a chance at fellowship, regardless of sexual orientation.
The south Bronx?s In the Life Ministries Church welcomes gay, lesbian and heterosexual parishioners. The pastor says it?s one of the few openly gay churches in the borough. Members say they attended other churches in the past to be uplifted, but left feeling depressed due to the homophobia churchgoers expressed toward them.
The pastor says the message he wants members to receive is that God is forgiving and tolerant. In the Life Ministries holds service every Sunday at noon.