Union workers are lashing back at Verizon after the telecommunications company accused workers for the second time this week of sabotaging phone lines while on strike.
Monday, Verizon claimed a fiber optic line was deliberately cut in Pomona.
Now, Verizon spokesman John Bonomo says salt water was poured over cables and the lines were deliberately cut inside a phone service cabinet at Harriman State Park. As a result, Bonomo says phone lines were down at the state park police headquarters in Bear Mountain.
However, the Palisades Interstate Park Commission claims a downed tree on Route 9W in Stony Point was responsible for knocking out service to park police. Secretary-Treasurer Bob Milone, of CWA Local 1107, says Verizon crying sabotage is a company tactic commonly used during a strike.
Meanwhile, dozens of union workers who walked off the job at midnight Sunday continue to strike outside the Verizon wireless store along Route 59 in Nanuet.
Verizon claims sabotage by striking workersVerizon picket lines set up in Rockland County